What’s NCCC?

From Wikipedia:

National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), or AmeriCorps NCCC is an Americorps program that engages 18– to 24-year-olds in team-based national and community service in the United States. National Civilian Community Corps teams complete about four different six- to eight-week-long projects during their 10-month term of service. Each team is made up of eight to twelve Corps Members and one Team Leader. Corps Members and Team Leaders are representative of all colors, creeds, states, and economic status. Each campus (MINE IS DENVER!) serves as a training center and hub for a multi-state region. Members are required to complete a minimum of 1,700 hours of service, including 80 independent service hours, though members complete an average of 1,850 service hours per term.

The mission of the NCCC program is “To strengthen communities and develop leaders through team-based national and community service.”

While on base I will be staying here at the campus of what was previously Colorado Heights University:



Pretty Right?

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