This is me

I’m thinking that most of you know me, if so you can skip this, unless of course you enjoy reading familiar information.

In case you haven’t picked up on it yet, my name is Hannah. I am 24, going on 25 and I am a master. Apparently you only have to go to school for 19 years and they’ll call you a master, it’s really cool. I am a master in social work which is funny to me, it’s kind of like being a master in helping people. The only thing I really feel that I learned in getting my masters is that you really need to listen to people. That’s pretty much the only thing that I can remember right now anyway, listen to people, listen to what they need, and respond with empathy. Seems like a lot of time and money for such a simple lesson, but it’s much harder than you might think. I’m getting off topic… I do that a lot. Now for another picture!

And now for more random information on me. I enjoy being outside, camping, hiking, being in water (swimming, kayaking, rafting, tubing, bathing), and laying in hammocks. I enjoy drinking tea (hot or iced but always sweet!). I have a ridiculously large collection of smartwool socks (largely due to my past employment at REI). My body has gone through two closed windows in the same room due to the same older brother. My glass-bottled drinks of choice are Guinness, hard apple cider, and peach Nehi. I’m not afraid to admit that I enjoy awful pop music, the price is right, the twilight series, and documentaries that make me cry. With that being said, I enjoy listening to music that isn’t on the radio, watching award winning television, reading non fiction thought provoking books, and watching documentaries that make me superbly happy. My cell phone is older than some school children. I know what a Brannock device is. I once was on the UNCC student planner. I’m pretty much just your average gal, though my mom and boyfriend tell me otherwise.

Oh, I also love quotes. Here is a beautiful quote from Barack Obama that I would like to share.

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – B.O.

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